Over the past 30 years, the Class of 1970 has accumulated a significant amount of memorabilia from reunions, ALITC and other events. These items are pictured below along with the quantity available for sale and price. If you are interested in procuring any of these items, please contact Ed Moore via telephone or email (listed under Company Reps for 5th Company). These items will also be made available for purchase at our Class Reunion scheduled for 02-05 September 2021. The available memorabilia will be on display in the Graduate Annapolis Registration Suite.


Class Coins
  Honor Coins in Lucite 10 $15.00
  TCFUA Challenge Coin 55 $3.00
40th Reunion
  40th Lucky Bags & Shipping 20 $15.00
45th Reunion
  Lady's White Sun Visor 5 $3.00
  Outside Window '70 Decal 50 2 for $1.00
  Ladies Scarves (B&G) 50 $3.00
  Gold Clip-on Earrings 10 $2.00
  Silver Earrings 4 $3.00
  Gold Earrings 2 $3.00
  Silver Charm 150 $2.00
  Gold Charm 12 $2.00

Updated: December 14, 2023
Curator: Ed Moore